
open class TMHidingBar : UIView
extension TMHidingBar: TMBar

TMHidingBar allows you to hide/show a TMBar manually and automatically with triggers.

It is provided as an extension to a TMBar, similar to TMSystemBar:

let bar = TMBar.ButtonBar()
let hidingBar = bar.hiding(trigger: .time(duration: 5))

This would create a TMBar.ButtonBar that is automatically hidden after 5 seconds.

Recommendation - you should always use .hiding() as the final function when creating a bar.

As Tabman relies so heavily on type inference - you should ensure you are using the correct types for customization with the TMBar extensions. For example:

TMBar.ButtonBar() -> TMBarView<TMHorizontalBarLayout, TMLabelBarButton, TMLineBarIndicator>
TMBar.hiding(trigger:) -> TMHidingBar

Hide and Show

TMHidingBar provides show / hide functions that can be called at any time to hide the bar.

bar.hide(animated: true, completion: nil) true, completion: nil)

.show(animated:completion:) is automatically called when the bar is updated for a page change. You are responsible for calling it in any other desired scenario.

The transition that is used for animation is dependent on the transition property.

bar.transition = .drawer
bar.transition = .fade


TMHidingBar provides configurable triggers that are passed as the trigger: parameter during initialization. These triggers have the ability to automatically hide and show the bar based on their type. They can of course be overriden by manual show / hide function calls.


The manual trigger does nothing, and allows you to show / hide the bar manually with show / hide calls.



The time trigger will hide the bar after a specified TimeInterval has elapsed.

.time(duration: 10)

Bar which can be hidden using animated transitions.

Supports manual show/hide triggering and also automatic triggers such as time.

  • Trigger that causes bar to hide.

    • time: Time based, will hide after a duration.
    • manual: Manually triggered only.


    public enum Trigger
  • Transition to perform for hide / show animations.

    • drawer: Collapse upwards like a closing drawer.
    • fade: Fades in / out.


    public enum Transition
  • Hide the bar.



    open func hide(animated: Bool, completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?)

    Whether to animate the hide.


    Completion handler.

  • Show the bar.



    open func show(animated: Bool, completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?)

    Whether to animate the show.


    Completion handler.